Saturday, March 5, 2011

I Am Number Four #4

He is good a blending in, in fact; that's the only thing he's good at. He has three scars on his leg and his legacies are lumen, telkenisis, and animal telepathy- along with super speed and strength. Bernie Kosar/Hadley helped Henri protect him from the Mogadorians.

The battle at the high school, John, Six, Sarah, Sam, Mark, and Henri fight back at the Mogs. Sarah and Mark even kick a few alien BUTTS! Sarah is even the one who killed the Mog that is about to murder John in the end of the battle.

John is a very speical alien-being and his loving and caring. He'd do anything to save the people closest to his heart.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Am Number Four #3- Characters

John Smith/Number Four- the next member of the Garde to be killed by the Mogadorians. John/4 have been running around the world since the invasion. Their most recent home was Paradise, Ohio.... He is now on the run with Six and Sam to find the other members.

Henri- John/4's Cepan. He is a skilled warrior and faught a great battle at the Paradise High School. He was connected to John/4 and was practically his father. He had business in Ohio, which was probablly to take down the website They Walk Among Us... which is how he died.

Sarah Hart- a good looking high schooler who fell for John. She use to be a stuck up cheerleader until her parents sent her to her Aunt's farm in Colorado. She quit being rude and fell in love with photography. She didn't want John to leave, but she knew it was for the best.

Sam- John's best friend was he is very interested in aliens. His father was helping the Loric people reunite the remaining Garde members. He is currently on the run with Six and John looking fo rthe others.

Number Six- another member of the Garde. Her Legacies are invisibily, elemental manipulation, and telekeinesis. Her Cepan, Katrina, was killed by the Mogs four years ago. She is a skilled fighter and is on the run with Sam and John to find the others.

I know I have left out many, many charachters, but these are practically the main characters.

I Am Number Four #2

Since my last post was an awesome video of Six, let's everyone see her awesome fight in the hallway!

I honestly don't know why she risked breaking the charm and let the others die more easely. The Mogadorians were already on Nine's butt in South America... I don't know... I mean, they are stronger toghether.

Post your comments and tell wether it was a smart or dumb decision to break the charm. I personally think is was smart since they are stronger together.

I Am Number Four #1

I'll start off my first post of a movie clip from I Am Number Four. Even though it didn't happen in the book, it's still my favorite part...

I felt the movie producers put this in to help the audience feel how Six was looking for John Smith and burnt it down so the Mogadorians couldn't fine Six or John....